Dan Grade Promotions 2019

Dan Grade Promotions 2019

Congratulations to Amy Stewart promoted to 2nd Poom black belt and Enzo Laluces promoted to 1st Poom black belt. Emily and Patrick also received their 1st Dan Kukkiwon certificates. Well done everyone!
Lisburn & Castlereagh Council Launches Coach Education Programme

Lisburn & Castlereagh Council Launches Coach Education Programme

Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council is helping local sports clubs and coaches avail of specialised training courses as part of the Council’s popular coach education programme. The annual programme includes nearly 20 courses, which are aimed at helping those...
Lisburn TKD members visit & compete in Korea

Lisburn TKD members visit & compete in Korea

From 11-24 July 2019, a number of UTA NI members visited South Korea, including some from Lisburn TKD. The Jeonju Open was a great experience for the competitors, coaches & spectators, with Candice and Laura from Lisburn TKD competing in Poomsae (patterns). A...

Taekwondo Calendar July – December 2019

Upcoming events from July to December 2019 11-24 July – Korea trip 17-25 August – ITU Poomsae summer camp 7/8 September – Scotland championships 22 September – UTA Kup Grading 28 September – UTA Dan grading, Scotland 29 September –...